



In the city of brotherly love, there seems to be little love for our youth. Through their actions it is evident that Lawmakers think the cost of having children in the city is a burden, one that be cut. Philadelphia policymakers slash budgets and programs. When asked [...]

NEPC; Report Cautions Against Federal Education Policies that Undermine Democracy


How Recent Education Reforms Undermine Local School Governance and Democratic Education. National Education Policy Center Contact: William J. Mathis, (802) 383-0058, Kenneth Howe, (303) 492-7229 URL for this press release: New Report Cautions Against Federal Education Policies that Undermine Democracy and Local Control BOULDER, CO October [...]

Prejudice; Omission is Permission! Colorblind is Color-Mute


In America the premise is people are colorblind. Certainly our children are is the constant refrain. I know this is not so, for as a child I saw what was not discussed. The people who did not care for and about me were white. Those who cherished [...]

American Revolutionary: ‘The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs’


‘Solutionaries are today’s Revolutionaries ~ Grace Lee Boggs Originally Published at Conversations That You Will Never finish October 26, 2013 The Evolution Never Ends and is Now Captured on Film The first time I even heard the word Solutionary [...]

The Unfinished March: An Overview


REPORT Race and Ethnicity By Algernon Austin, Originally Published at The Economic Policy Institute, June 18, 2013 The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Millions of Americans know that [...]

NEPC; Research-Based Options for Education Policymaking


William J. Mathis June 13, 2013 Press Release Media Citations Research-Based Options for Education Policymaking is a 10-part brief that takes up important policy issues and identifies policies supported by research. Each section focuses on a different issue, and its recommendations for policymakers are based on the [...]

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