Project Description
Future Shock — The Schools of 2020
If you think education is poorly funded now, just wait for the future.
Textbook space will be truly tightened — going to the highest bidder.
Teaching will be out-sourced to, perhaps military contractors.
And graduation will be a breeze. Pick your diploma up at the drive-through-window.
It could happen. 2020 is around the bend. Education as we know it might come to an end.

There was a brief moment last week, I think, when people were talking about public schools and the Wisconsin recalls. But that’s all kind of a hazy memory now. The news about bin Laden broke as I was past the point of no return, deadline-wise. I mean, I could have whipped out a totally badass eagle about to rip Osama to shreds, but that’s not how we roll at the House of Slowpoke. Through sheer coincidence, however, I did manage to draw a military-type guy shooting a kid in the head. Not the best timing. Sorry about that.
Jen Sorensen is a nationally-syndicated political cartoonist whose work has appeared in The Progressive, The Nation, Daily Kos, Austin Chronicle, NPR, Ms., Politico, and many other publications. The recipient of the 2014 Herblock Prize and a 2013 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award, she tweets at @JenSorensen.
This piece was reprinted by EmpathyEducates with permission. We thank the Artist, Jen Sorensen for her kindness, acute observations, daring to be… or is it delightful drawings. We are grateful for what we believe evokes vital reflections.