Project Description
Why Microaggressions Hurt
They’re little things – subtle statements, interruptions, and assumptions – that all add up to make you feel small. You can heal from a thousand tiny cuts, but it’s too much to ask that everyone who is hurt spend all their time self-healing. It’s time we learned enough to stop hurting people in the first place.
'Don’t be so sensitive.' 'Grow thicker skin.' 'Just get over it!'
Microaggressions are small, subtle forms of discrimination – so conversations about them often get dominated by people who say they’re 'no big deal.' Which may make you wonder if you or other people are just being too sensitive when microaggressions hurt.
This comic puts that theory to rest by showing exactly how microaggressions take such a toll you on – and why it’s no small thing when you get through a day like this one.
With Love…
The Editors at Everyday Feminism and EmpathyEducates

Panel 1
Llelena: Lookin’ good, babe! Let’s kick ass today!
Panel 2
Llelena (thinking): That’s the third cab to pass me. I guess I’m taking the train. Hopefully I’ll still have time for breakfast.
Panel 3
Panel 4
Barista: L-luh-leena?
Llelena: It’s Yuh-lane-ah! Thanks!
Barista: That’s a pretty name! Where are you from?
Llelena: Brooklyn.
Barista: Oh!
Panel 5
Jane: Hey Laney, looking good!
Llelena: Thanks!
Jane: Have you lost weight?
Llelena: Um, no.
Jane: Oh, still, you look great!
Panel 6
Brooks: Laney, I’m having Cohen make the sales call to Johnson.
Llelena: But Johnson is my project!
Brooks: Yeah, but you know how old-fashioned he is. Cohen’s got a better chance of closing.
Panel 7
Llelena: Braun Fabrication.
Customer on phone: Could you be a sweetie and put me on with one of the designers.
Llelena: Yes sir, I’m one of the designers. How can I help you?
Customer on phone: Oh, well, um…
Panel 8
Jane: Huh, are you sure a burger is a good choice?
Llelena: Are you sure asking me that is a good choice?
Panel 9
Llelena: So if we retool the—
Cohen: Isn’t that a bit hasty?
Llelena: No I don’t think—
Cohen: I mean, I just want to consider the cost.
Llelena: Would you consider not interrupting me anymore?
Panel 10
Cohen: So I looked at the costs, and I think retooling is a wise move, financially.
Brooks: Good work, Jim.
Panel 11
Cohen: We’re meeting Johnson for drinks at 9.
Llelena: What about me?
Cohen: We only got a reservation for three. We didn’t think you’d be into the whole scotch and cigars thing. Sorry.
Panel 12
Llelena: Excuse me, I didn’t order sugar-free.
Barista: Oh, sorry, I just assumed…
Panel 13
Panel 14
Cashier: Just so you know, we don’t take food stamps.
Llelena: That’s fine, I’m paying cash.
Panel 15
Police Officer: Are you meeting someone?
Llelena: No, officer, I live here.
Police Officer: Oh, okay. We’ve just had reports of a suspicious person…
Panel 16
Panel 17
Panel 18
Panel 19
Llelena: Sí, Abuela. Te amo.
Abuela: Te amo, Llelena.
Panel 20
Panel 21
Panel 22
Panel 23
Llelena: Well done, babe. We kicked ass today.
Panel 24
Text: What are microaggressions? They’re little things – subtle statements, interruptions, and assumptions – that all add up to make you feel small. You can heal from a thousand tiny cuts, but it’s too much to ask that everyone who is hurt spend all their time self-healing. It’s time we learned enough to stop hurting people in the first place.
Alli Kirkham is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism and blogger, cartoonist, and intersectional feminist. Alli earned a BA in English Literature from Cal Poly Pomona in 2011 and uses it as an excuse to blog about books while swearing a lot. When she isn’t cartooning for Everyday Feminism or cursing at popular fiction, she posts cartoons and other silly things on her Tumblr. | Follow her out on Twitter @allivanlahr.
This piece was republished by EmpathyEducates with the kind permission of the Everyday Feminism. We also wish to express our sincere gratitude to the Artist, Alli Kirkham, for her dedication to seeing the world through a clearer lenses.