Two days before starting classes at Vatterott College, a child was killed in our city. “He wanted to own his own business. He’d say, ‘Let’s make something out of nothing,’" said Gerard Fuller who knew the lad since the second grade. Each had attended Pine [...]

#LastWords #LastWordsHeard; Illustrations — A Tribute to Men Killed by Police
Shahid Buttar2016-11-29T17:39:21-05:00Imagine, scary as it is, you have been beaten, shot, or held by a policeman, choked until you could not breathe. As your time passes and life is adrift, do you wonder; might someone help me? Will anyone assist? You hear voices. Oh no, might [...]

Tips and Tricks for New College Students
Jen Sorensen2016-11-29T17:39:22-05:00Jen Sorensen is a nationally-syndicated political cartoonist whose work has appeared in The Progressive, The Nation, Daily Kos, Austin Chronicle, NPR, Ms., Politico, and many other publications. The recipient of the 2014 Herblock Prize and a 2013 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award, she tweets at [...]

#LastWords of the Killed – Illustrations Tell the Story
Shirin Barghi2016-11-29T17:39:22-05:00"Were you with him?" "What did he say?" "What were his last words?" "Did he mention...?" By the time we are nine, ten, or eleven most of us will hear someone wonder aloud, after a passing, what did it all mean and how did it come [...]
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:27-05:00Black.Man.Teach. Currently, black males represent less than 2% of our nation's teacher workforce. Our young brothers and sisters, our children, our schools, our communities, and our country need more black male teachers. To increase these numbers we must explore, examine, and confront all of [...]

Black Harvard Students Share Their Experiences
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:28-05:0063 Black Harvard Students Share Their Experiences In A Powerful Photo Project'I, Too, Am Harvard.' Campaign Alison Vingiano | Originally Published at BuzzFeed. March 3, 2014 1. Carol Powell / Via A group of black students at Harvard are fed up with the institutional racism they [...]
I, Too, Am Harvard
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:28-05:00Promo video for I, Too, Am Harvard made by Ahsante Bean, Harvard College Class of 2015BuzzFeed Review Black Harvard Students Share Their Experiences MAR. 3 2014 MAR. 1 2014 MAR. 1 2014 MAR. 1 2014 MAR. 1 2014 MAR. 1 2014 MAR. 1 2014 [...]

Moving Photos Show the Not-So-Subtle Effect of Racial Micro-Aggression
empathy2016-11-29T17:39:32-05:00For her recent Tumblr photo series, Fordham University student and photographer Kiyun took photos of her friends, each holding a poster that describes an instance of racial micro-aggression personally encountered. The results are powerful. Racial micro-aggressions, as defined by Columbia University professor Derald Wing Sue, [...]

Humanae; A Work In Progress. The Gallery
Angelica Dass2016-11-29T17:39:32-05:00Humanae; A Work In Progress Humanæ is a chromatic inventory, a project that reflects on the colors beyond the borders of our codes by referencing the PANTONE® color scheme. (PANTONE® Guides are one of the main classification systems of colors, which are represented by an alphanumeric [...]